How HERDD bedding works...
For a standard sized (~4x4m) box, we recommend 9 bags (subject to your own preference for depth - you may want 1 or 2 more or less; 9 bags gives ~10cm depth). If you have rubber flooring, we recommend 7 bags (7 gives ~8cm depth).
1. Cover floor evenly to a thickness of ~3cm with dry pellets. Generously hose with water (apply more water than you think!) & watch HERDD become soft & fluffy
2. Wait ~15 minutes before using a rake to flip over the bedding to reveal dry pellets. Sprinkle with more water & leave to fluff
3. Any dry-ish pellets will continue to expand over the next few hours (fine to put the animal on it in the meantime)
4. If you don’t have access to a hose nearby, place the bags on the floor of the stall (lying down), evenly dispersed. Slash the bags with a knife width-&-length-ways (making a cross +). Add ~20 litres of water, using a bucket, into each bag’s split opening (get water into the corners/sides/middle - if water escapes throw a handful of dry HERDD in the puddle to absorb it). Leave for 15 minutes. As the bedding expands, you’ll see the bag bursting, if not, use your knife to extend the cuts. After at 15 minutes, tip out the contents of the bag. Use a rake to spread bedding across the floor. You can add more water if you need to from a bucket or watering can. Use a rake to agitate the bed until it looks soft & fluffy - we have a video on this on HERDD TV
5. After completing the above process, it is normal for some pellets to still be visible. These fluff up over time (Tip: If you have an animal that urinates in a particular area, you can purposefully leave un-watered HERDD bedding in that area to soak up extra wet patches)
6. Dispose of the empty bag in your manure pile to compost, burn it in your fireplace, use it as weed mat in your garden, or simply recycle the bag in your council collection.
7. Soiled bedding can be used in your garden for compost (but you may not want to use around vegetables due to manure content) - the bag can act as biodegradable weed mat.
8. Don’t worry about over-watering HERDD, it will dry itself out & it actually likes water… so at any time, if it’s too dry for you, just hose the bed some more